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Tiny rivers, will barbel be found?

Mark Evans

Active Member
Hi guys,

Unfortunately, having never learnt to drive means i don't get to go to all the good rivers as much as a i would like. But i fish a REALLY small river that's walking distance from my house, usually for the chub up to around 2lb although rumours say there are fish in there up to 5lb and some monster perch.

There's also talk of there being a few barbel in there (and a guy i bumped into a few times while out fishing claims he had caught a few of them) but i was wondering just how small of a river could barbel be found in? i know of a weirpool that used to contain 2 barbel of around 9lb but it's been a couple of years since i saw them and i fear they are now gone. I usually walk it and fish all the deep holes but i can't ever imagine a barbel being in there.

So, do Barbel need a good amount of room to thrive or can they be found in the smallest of rivers that you may walk past and never give a second thought to fishing?.

Thanks guys
Yes Barbel can be found in some smaller Rivers, but not too small, and their size in the main is restricted. If you look at the River records on here that might confirm that point. I note you live in Redditch, and there are a couple of small Rivers in that area that do have Barbel, so I guess the not knowing is sometimes a greater thrill, if Chub are there then I would imagine the Barbel would be too.

Of course predation by Otter is more of a problem on a small River so enjoy whilst you can.
Thanks for the info,

I also think it's just my luck that most of the barbel are further down river and not so much in the stretches that I can walk to.

If they are in there you should see them in the shallows, even perhaps spawning in the spring/ summer, look for 'flashing' that will give them away. Really interested in what river you are fishing, pm me if you wish.
Mark, in middx theres one bit of river thats between 2-4 ft wide and deepest is around 3ft but averaging 2 ft, its surrounded by reeds and rushes but theres plenty of barbel in there, again another small river in the area is between 6ft-14 ft wide and again between 2-6 ft deep and plenty of large barbel in there:)
You have nothing to lose by giving it a go Mark !!! AND I'm guessing that these would be fairly uneducated fish......... If Barbel are there, then they are likely to be in the same swims as the Chub. I would try a LONG hair and only strike when the rod is about to go in !! That way you are more likely to avoid the Chub (that's if you want to !?).
Your best bet to find out for sure is to wander the stretch in summer and introduce pellets or hemp into some likely looking spots and try to spot fish. Don't underestimate just how close they will come to the near bank or just how shallow a swim they can be tempted into with careful feeding and a stealthy approach !!
Good Luck and keep us posted.
Just for the record my local small river/stream is narrow enough to lower far bank rigs into off the rod tip in quite a few places and is very rarely more than a couple of rod lengths wide. It has produced Barbel to low doubles and USED to support a very good head of fish. Sadly, they seem to be in serious decline at present........
The stretch of river i fish most in normal water is rarely more than 3 feet deep and less in most places - but loads of snags/weed etc - barbel record is mid teens and the chub are growing due to a crayfish bonanza and like you i do not drive so have to put up with the strange looks on the bus :D
My only problem is it's been a year or 18 months since I saw a barbel and it was only in the 1 swim, I've never actually spotted one else where.

Nothing better than small rivers, the Thames is 20 minutes away from me but i much prefer the intimacy...not sure which Bob Roberts video it was but he caught a barbel in a small brook so give it a go...location, location, location
I guess I'm gonna have to put some time in in the banks once the river clears up and cross my fingers I actually find some barbel, cause I'll look right daft sat there all day with 1.75lb tc rods if there's nothing in there but pound chub

I don't think there's any danger of that, it's not much of a stretch of river, usually ankle deep in the summer and if there were any barbel present then they will probs be smaller than the chub! Haha

I sometimes fish a small river like this, had several barbel (3 one evening) amongst the chub.
They are up to about 4lb but a very good double came out recently from one of the pools.Few years ago I had a 9lber from it.
Great fun if you dont expect too much.
1 cast,small feeder,pellet bait ,backlead, 20 min then move
Nice post Mark !!
As I've said before, do not underestimate how close to the near bank they will come and just how shallow they will feed !! Build their confidence and you will catch!!!