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Time of day

Alan Palmer

Senior Member & Supporter
Something I was chatting about with a mate earlier today - what’s your favourite time of day for fishing? Not talking necessarily about most productive, but rather time on the bank you enjoy the most. For him it was first light; for me I just love being on the bank early evening until sunset, just seems to be something magical about watching the sun go down and the nocturnal wildlife come to life.
Something I was chatting about with a mate earlier today - what’s your favourite time of day for fishing? Not talking necessarily about most productive, but rather time on the bank you enjoy the most. For him it was first light; for me I just love being on the bank early evening until sunset, just seems to be something magical about watching the sun go down and the nocturnal wildlife come to life.
Late at night just me and the wildlife nothing better pease and guide know telley
If I can choose after 4 until dark. But for me now is whenever I have time…sadly, normally the mid of the day…
Early hours after midnight, no traffic noise, no people, no farm machinery, just nature at its best. Owls, deer, nightjars, nightingales, screeching vixens and the nearby splashing of fish to bring some encouragement that a bite is imminent. Come daylight the wildlife has retreated back into safe havens and the humans going about their business are largely oblivious to the nearby existence of such creatures.
Something I was chatting about with a mate earlier today - what’s your favourite time of day for fishing? Not talking necessarily about most productive, but rather time on the bank you enjoy the most. For him it was first light; for me I just love being on the bank early evening until sunset, just seems to be something magical about watching the sun go down and the nocturnal wildlife come to life.
All the time, every damn minute. My fishing time is so limited that when I get there I am in heaven. I will retire shortly and then spend every spare moment on the Dorset Stour, Hampshire Avon, Ribble and also visit the places I have not visited for decades such as the Kennet, Thames, Thame, Bourne, Cherwell, Colne, Severn, Nene, Wye, and even the Trent circus that I have walked but never fished. Oh so close now ! What a dream ! Best wishes all. PS A bit drunk now so sorry for the emotional response, good luck all, and what a fantastic forum.
I like getting down to the river at dawn and putting the first float through just as the sun pokes through and its light enough to see it
I have to say the so called witching hour has never been particularly productive for me albeit a nice time to be on the river. I generally fish 10am to 6pm give or take, just the most convenient time.
Let us know how you get on
It was a bit of a flying visit as I’ve been sorting stuff for going away on hol tomorrow.
Not easy going at all.
the water was so low and crystal clear I could see the river bed for most of the distance across. Didn’t help with the sun on the water in high concentration either.

That aside I managed 1 chub and 1 barbel in that swim and 3 chub in another swim further up. Couldn’t get the barbel to play ball at all and i didn’t have long to see if they’d have an afternoon crack.
Can't beat day break for me. Being up the lake as it starts to get light and everything starts to wake up is what it's all about for me.

Problem is my fishing, whilst I get plenty of time to go, is very limited middle of the day at the moment due to work and family commitments.