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So how was the glorious 16th

Danny Payne

Senior Member
Come on chaps how's it been, my misses was due to have a baby yesterday so haven't been out to play!!! how's it fished???????
9lb 7oz barbel in early hours and lost another on a rapidly rising tidal trent
My mate had a 10.02 at 12:20am - didn't take him long to get his first barbel and double of the season did it? - I blanked
One small barbel (7lb4oz) at literally 20 seconds after midnight, lost one through sheer stupidity on my second cast, then nothing (beyond a couple of chub-ish knocks) until my last cast at 05.30 am, when I was about to pack up, 5lb1oz chub.

Could have been worse....but you always hope for better :D

Cheers, Dave.
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How were the crayfish David???? Well done matey..
Splasher first chuck on the Yorkshire Derwent then nothing else as I was being chased up the bank by a rising river.
Looked at the EA River Level for the Severn and opted for a couple of hours on the Teme at dusk instead. Had one (guessed) lean 5lber.

Extremely happy as it broke my irrational superstition of the 'curse of new tackle' as landed on a new rod and reel.

I've been guilty of blaming a blank on a newly procured bankstick before! :)
If new tackle is a curse I'm buggered lol, however it might go the other way as the first time out with my rods and reels I got my first double hopefully it will go the same way with the other new bits and bobs :D
Good luck Wayne, :) out for my first session on either Wed/Thur, can,t wait. Also got a new rod waiting to be tried out ( Harrison Avon ), will pair it up with my old faithful Greys Prodigy, my banker rod. :) Good luck to all. :)