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Shimano aero XT ???

Richard Isaacs

Senior Member & Supporter
Anyone tried these out yet?

They do seem to be specced very well on paper particularly from a river float fishing point of view which is something shimano have not really got right in the past imo. Daiwa were always miles better at this but it looks like these Aeros are gonna hit hard. And the price……. Cheap!!!

The 5000 size reads spot on to me for what I’d look for in a float reel regarding its super weight and spool diameter stats. Front clutch, proper depth in the spool skirt without them daft line guards, anti reverse, match spool adapters and finally a reel without all the bling.

I’m going to have to look at one of these at some point but if there’s any real users out there with an opinion on them (trotting preferably) that would be useful.
XT or XR ? I have the XR for float fishing and trotting have the 4000 and 3000 and is perfect very good reel for the money. Two spools line reducers lovely solid smooth reel.
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Assuming you mean the XR, it’s the best trotting reel I’ve ever used.

Super light weight, decent diameter spool (2), decent reducers (only 1), short stem so easy to control line coming off the spool, excellent clutch, anti reverse switch is too small. No line tangles in use whatsoever.

I bought the 4000 size (£99). Even with the reducer in place it takes a lot of line.

Ive been looking for a modern trotting reel since I came back to coarse fishing 4 years ago. Ive bought and sold several in that time - this one is a keeper.
At the moment I’m using TDX’s from daiwa. They are 280g and I love the 2 inch diameter spools and the bearing assist front clutch is awesome for barbel on the float. But they are discontinued now in favour of the tournaments which are heavier and mega money

I bought a stradic ci4 4000 with fighting drag earlier this year and it’s a disappointing reel so I re sold it for a loss. Shallow spool skirts and line guards that cause no end of trouble with a head on wind and an average at best clutch that was marginally improved on with a service out the box.

So both daiwa and shimano had nothing currently to tick my boxes until I saw this XR. Now I really need to try one out. Definitely the 5000 for me. Bigger spool diameter and 4000 weight.
They're on the small side IMO, Rich. I was in Angling Direct in Leicester on Wednesday and they had the 5000 on display. First time I'd seen one and was struck by how small they looked. Defiantly need to hold one. Looked about the same size as a Daiwa TDM 3012, gold one. There was a TDR 4012 next to it, and it looked smaller than that.
They're on the small side IMO, Rich. I was in Angling Direct in Leicester on Wednesday and they had the 5000 on display. First time I'd seen one and was struck by how small they looked. Defiantly need to hold one. Looked about the same size as a Daiwa TDM 3012, gold one. There was a TDR 4012 next to it, and it looked smaller than that.
I’m not bothered about the body size tbh Simon. the TDX 3010 is a tiny reel but the spool is 52mm wide and relatively shallow ish that I’m not putting 11 million Mtrs of backing on it.

For me I have a simple wish list really.
Wide spool diameter. Deep spool skirts, good responsive clutch and under 300g

Im not a match man and I don’t really care about retrieval rate so much. I don’t cast feeders so long nose spools and slow oscillation Im not bothered about,
I’m not bothered about the body size tbh Simon. the TDX 3010 is a tiny reel but the spool is 52mm wide and relatively shallow ish that I’m not putting 11 million Mtrs of backing on it.

For me I have a simple wish list really.
Wide spool diameter. Deep spool skirts, good responsive clutch and under 300g

Im not a match man and I don’t really care about retrieval rate so much. I don’t cast feeders so long nose spools and slow oscillation Im not bothered about,
Sounds like a centrepin after all Richard. ;)

XR is on my radar for a while, although I am after the 3000 for a short feeder rod.
Here you go @Richard Isaacs …comparison of Shimano aero xt 4000 against Daiwa tdx3010. Bought the shimano as a present for someone so thought I would take some pics…the shimano is a lovely reel, albeit smaller than would normally associate a 4000 size reel with, very smooth and feels like it has a nice clutch and balances well on my acolyte 14ft. Think this will be a great trotting reel….might be tempted myself (got it for £100)B3942DC4-0321-4D3F-B91F-395D69CA3FED.jpeg58161967-E4D8-4370-8D3D-89A6F6016390.jpegD6D94C4D-B629-4FEE-938B-9C5AEFD46CB5.jpegD9034309-0B14-4809-B898-B85B24125A08.jpeg1539453A-3E0E-4191-809B-1E2E79E3A7AF.jpeg
I have one Aero XR 3000 and one 5000. Given that there's just 5g difference between the 4000 and 5000, I couldn't see much point in buying the 4000. I've come across plenty of reels that are too heavy, but rarely will I complain about one being too big, provided it's light. The Aero XR 5000 is as light, or lighter, than the vast majority of reels of similar dimensions. However, be wary of the rather arbitrary size numbers manufacturers use. The new Shimano Aero variants (Aero BB, Aero and Aero XR) are not particularly big compared to similarly numbered reels. Even other Shimanos with similar numbering may appear to be bigger or smaller.

To give a reasonable comparison between manufacturers, given "size" numbers and their spool diameters :-

Daiwa EM-MS 2506. Spool diameter is 48mm at the lip. This is a really lightweight Daiwa reel from their older sizing structures. It's bigger than the Aero XR 3000 but not quite as light. I use this exclusively for float fishing.

Aero XR 3000. Spool diameter is 46.5mm at the lip.

Aero XR 5000. Spool diameter is 54mm at the lip.

Browning CFT 4500. Spool diameter is 53mm at the lip. Nominally "smaller" than the Aero XR 5000, but there's not much in it. The Sphere is about 5g lighter than the Aero XR 5000.

I tend to use the 3000 on rods of 13' and less, mostly on 11'ers. The 5000 is intended for float fishing for tench, often on longer rods or heavier rods sitting in rests.
I have one Aero XR 3000 and one 5000. Given that there's just 5g difference between the 4000 and 5000, I couldn't see much point in buying the 4000. I've come across plenty of reels that are too heavy, but rarely will I complain about one being too big, provided it's light. The Aero XR 5000 is as light, or lighter, than the vast majority of reels of similar dimensions. However, be wary of the rather arbitrary size numbers manufacturers use. The new Shimano Aero variants (Aero BB, Aero and Aero XR) are not particularly big compared to similarly numbered reels. Even other Shimanos with similar numbering may appear to be bigger or smaller.

To give a reasonable comparison between manufacturers, given "size" numbers and their spool diameters :-

Daiwa EM-MS 2506. Spool diameter is 48mm at the lip. This is a really lightweight Daiwa reel from their older sizing structures. It's bigger than the Aero XR 3000 but not quite as light. I use this exclusively for float fishing.

Aero XR 3000. Spool diameter is 46.5mm at the lip.

Aero XR 5000. Spool diameter is 54mm at the lip.

Browning CFT 4500. Spool diameter is 53mm at the lip. Nominally "smaller" than the Aero XR 5000, but there's not much in it. The Sphere is about 5g lighter than the Aero XR 5000.

I tend to use the 3000 on rods of 13' and less, mostly on 11'ers. The 5000 is intended for float fishing for tench, often on longer rods or heavier rods sitting in rests.
54mm spool is definitely what I’d go for. I wouldn’t be interested in the smaller models

I’m not in the least bothered about body sizes but the weight is very impressive. This ci4+ material is very much the way forward. Seems to be the case that it’s lighter for it’s mass than the Zaion carbon used on my Daiwas.

Love the fact that they’ve gone back to black and stealthy and understated.
I bought a TDR3012 very very cheap the other week. It was priced so well I couldn’t afford not to buy it.

Really Lovely reel but it looks like a Christmas decoration. At 300g it’s also not super light weight class. Daiwas bearing assisted clutch is really really good mind if big powerful fish are the target.
Might go have a wonder into benwicks next week and see if they’ve got the 5000xr in. Bloody place always gets me spending brass as soon as I’m faced with their awesome range of TnB floats. 🤦‍♂️
I’m not in the least bothered about body sizes but the weight is very impressive. This ci4+ material is very much the way forward. Seems to be the case that it’s lighter for it’s mass than the Zaion carbon used on my Daiwas.

It would appear that much depends on the exact reel when it comes to Daiwas made with Zaion. The Shimano Aero XR 3000 and Daiwa EM-MS 2506 are broadly comparable in size. The Daiwa having a slightly bigger spool. However, the Shimano weighs 220g with reducers and line. The Daiwa comes in at 225g filled with line. If you are actually concerned by such small weight margins, it's worth noting that the spare spool supplied with the Aero XRs are slightly different to the one fitted to the reel. There are no milled out slots in the skirts of the spare. This makes the spare spools a few grams heavier.
The TDX 3010 is a full zaion body and rotor
Aluminum spool and they come in at 280g loaded.
The 2508 is a chunk lighter but the spool diameter is also a chunk smaller so I Don’t use it as much if hardly ever