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Rod recomendation

Richard Burton

Senior Member
Could anyone recommend a 14 or 15ft float rod capable of fishing 6lb mainlines and big toppers or truncheon wagglers on fast water in and around the middle Severn, this will obviously be for Good Chub and Barbel in quite fast flowing water
Don't bother with the gti su it's a dinosaur of a rod unless your built like Arnie.
i find my BFW gti 15 ft great for bigger fish including carp, light enough to hold comfotably, powerful enough for anything i will catch and its a rod for life beautifully built by Bob Gill with your own choice of customised finishings
to anyone who find difficulty with the rod remember it a stepped up 15FT !
not a 12-13ft and will handle different than shorter rods, i love mine:)