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Red Rapeseed ??

Gerry Giles

Senior Member & Supporter
Hi does anyone use red rapeseed ? if so how do you prepare it ? thinking of adding it to my feeder mix in the future
Just soak for 24 hours- that's how I used to do it.
Apart from colour, what is the difference between red and black Rape seed? I pick black up for £8 for 25kg

I was advised to use it on the Trent by Lee, our "old friend" Trentbarbeller

I noticed the red skin became detached leaving the "white" inner on lots of grains, but we'd chuck it in by handheld container, and also pack into open-ended feeder plugged with breadcrumb.

Did I catch much with it? errrrrrr, not a lot. But it was cheaper than hemp (I seem to remember) and a lot easier to soak than boil (hemp).

Over the years used many things, Ewe nuts were popular and used to buy them by the sackload although many went off before I'd finished them. Nowdays I'd be a lot more wary of what was in them and I wouldn't use them. But that was when I used to always fish a feeder, a mile away from the single cast per session, and no feed, method I use these days :).
Apart from colour, what is the difference between red and black Rape seed? I pick black up for £8 for 25kg


Not a lot. Both seeds from the same brassica family but varieties marketed as 'red' tends to be a little big bigger (still tiny). I think it's a slightly higher oil yield product used to make 'canola oil' in Canada/states but may be wrong. Some of the black rapeseed can be positively microscopic like coarse sand. I'd recommend avoiding if you're using on a river with flow and ever wonder if the hemp is staying put.