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Prawns etc

Terry Simner

Senior Member & Supporter
Has anyone out there ever had barbel on prawns? I've caught a load of chub with them but never a barb. Also..I've had good success with black slugs (esp for chub), but never seem to do any good with the beige/brown, orange-skirted variety. PM me if you prefer.
Cheers all.
Hi Terry,

I tried Prawns once but couldn't stop catching eels on them, that was a few years ago though. Never tried again since.

The Up Close and Personal DVDs show a lovely barbel being caught on a snail.


Hi Andy.. it was thinking about the 'snail bit' on that video that's got me thinking about alternative baits! May give prawns a go tomorrow.. but I did have a problem with eels earlier on in the season.. but not had one for a couple of weeks now.
Saying that.....

Hooked a barbel on a fresh prawn around 15 years ago when I fished a weir pool on the Kennet, unfortunately it went under a large piece of concrete in the middle of the pool and the line parted after a few moments:mad:
Never had any luck since but you never know. I think that anything may work once if the fish are interested, its just getting them to be interested consistently in the proposed bait thats the key:)
Hello Terry.
Had quite a few chub on all varieties of slug and a few on snail's, bigger the better for both. Yet to catch a barbel on either.
A mate catches chub regularly on prawn, mostly in the winter, but rarely hooks a barbel.

All the best Tatty
Cheers lads, you've pretty much confirmed what I thought. Think I best avoid any bait prefered more by chub than by barbel!
Alan!!.. how the devil are you? Not seen you in 'God's Own' for a few years. There's a Teme record just waiting to be caught!
Hiya Terry,
Been fishing the Wye on and off and more local (Thames, Loddon and Kennet) really must return to the valley again and catch up with old friends and hopefully a few large barbel


Yeah, mate... when I used to fish the Stour with you (and we were young... :D)... seem to remember having lots (in a Peter sort of way, rather than your Mr Crabtree one...) of chub on prawn but can't remember many barbel...

But that went for the lobs (chub + eels), luncheon meat and cheese too!

In fact, not even sure if I ever did catch a Stour/Avon barbel in all the years!
Never tried prawns but used to get a few barbel early season on minnows on the Thames weirs many years back (1960's!).
I found prawns in their shells and dyed black very good for chub but they had to be fished on the move, generally freelined in streamy water. Never caught a barbel like this although I have caught them on freelined, fast moving lobworms while trout fishing on the Windrush
I don,t know about barbel, but if you want a brilliant eel bait, shell on prawns takesome beating. I get plagued by them at times whilst salmon fishing, chub too, the odd perch and even had carp have a go, following the prawn upto the surface from 10ft down.
For barbel ,I would be tempted to try, shell on prawns cut into pieces and used like a particle, ought to work???