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Nice Trent Day Tickets

Rhys Perry

Senior Member
Sorry, I know this has probably been done to death, but 4 of us are looking to do a couple of days on the Trent at some point, so would appreciate any ideas for venues.
As per title somewhere nice and not too busy preferably, with a good chance of each of us catching a few barbel, not after monsters.
I've been pouring over the Bob Roberts Trent guide but a bit bewildered by it all to be honest, so some experienced advice might be in order.
I'm thinking it might pay to avoid the tidal as non of us have any experience with it.
Kelham hall would fit the bill, Trent is split here so only about 40 yds across if that. Not cheap though 15 pound a day plus 5pound to park car behind peg. Pegs 16 to 21 good , will be tricky if it’s up though. You book on line ,see website
I honestly wouldn't bother pal at the moment, it's fishing crap. I'd wait till some bad weather to drive the warm weather anglers away.
Kelham Hall sounds more a rip off than the Wye! I'm thinking Fiskerton atm unless something else catches my eye.
Thanks for the replies so far
It's all very busy at the moment. I doubt you'll get 4 pegs on Bob's Island or Smeatons which only has I think 7 pegs in total.. Gunthorpe you might and another one for the mix is A1 pits. Fiskerton as already mentioned.
If your not coming till later in the year it my have calmed down a bit. I think a lot of people are still on furlough which is making it so busy.
For me.. Only one venue ticks your boxes. Collingham, fish all along and other than the top end its park behind your peg. The conveyor area anywhere within 20 pegs of that there's fish but there are fish all along. A mate of mine takes numbers of fish in the 290s its a very angler friendly venue with access and a lot of good sized pegs
Some of it but there are 300 pegs you can get away from the crowds...... don’t use a bivvy or buzzers you may get arrested by the barbel police
Smeatons has 6 or 7 very tight pegs.
Kelham is expensive and has tight pegs.
A1 pits I know little about.
Bob's Island can get very busy.
Gunthorpe can be very busy and very slow.
Fiskerton is not busy and there is plenty of space.
Collingham is busy in certain bits but there is plenty of space.
I'm very lucky to have the Trent on my doorstep!
For me it's got to be Fiskerton or Collingham.
If you go to Fiskerton, PM me close to your visit and I'll give you some advice. There are lots of fish there but are sometimes difficult to tempt.
Thanks Ian I might do that, Fiskerton is my first choice at the moment but I'll see what the others think.
I think the tidal might be a bit much for a couple of them as they're not that experienced and don't have the gear for it.
Just looked up Fiskerton and it's day fishing only.It would be a 300 mile round trip for me which means bivvying up for 2 nights somewhere.