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Nash scope rods

Chris Thomson

Senior Member
Hi, has anyone got experience of the nash 10ft 1.75lb tc scope rod? Quite like the packdown advantage and as most of my barbelling is close in im not bothered by the casting limitations, just curious on how they perform under actual fishing conditions
I have both 1.75 and 2.25 10ft, I use the 2.25 for small water carp and the 1.75 for winter carping chucking out small maggot feeders or float fishing as well as floater fishing for carp in summer. Personally I love them, a pleasure to play fish on and they have a lot of backbone when needed. Have never caught a barbel on them but used for river carp and caught up to 21Ib with no problems...as well as still getting a nice bend with Chub (this was the 2.25). The only downside I have encountered is casting heavier weights (pva bag and 3oz lead)...is not great on 10ft rods you lose any accuracy at any distance (but that may just be me being crap)...but as that isn’t a worry for you I’d say go for it but consider the 2.25 still lovely forgiving rods but that little bit more backbone when/if needed.
Even the 10ft 2.75tc ones are nice for barbel fishing i rate these rods highly