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Adrian Williams

No Longer a Member
This is the place to debunk all of that oft quoted angling lore and urban myths which fill this sport of ours.

I'm watching Simon Kings's Shetland Diaries as I'm typing this and he has just been observing otters courting.
We all talk knowingly on here about seeing 'dog' otters so I was surprised to learn that the only way you can be 100% certain that the otter you are observing is a male is if you can see his testicles, Not so simple when they're 6" under water.. :D
I'd offer a reasoned opinion BUT I ain't so "all knowing" these days:rolleyes:, must be the premature onset of s s senility:p.

Is it true that the all knowing is the half brother twice removed of Gord Burton....?

Is it true that the Cherwell was the place to be...?

The Ouse, once home to monster fat barbel.....is it true that they grew fat on bits of Ray Walton....hence his stature....? (he likes to stand in water letting his meat roll around?)

And the myth of all myths....how did the best barbel anglers in the country (Severn fish in)...probably world manage to blank on mass on the best barbel stretch in the country...hold on we know that's true!

But is the Severn full of fish or merely infested by our lovable pellet suckers?

These are the myths that are out there and is Colin Gordong the love child of Dickie Davies ?

Who knows...you can't beat a good myth take

Jason :D
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GORD BURTON!! I don't even know how that myth could even have started, seeing as I share no similarties what so ever with him.....
Well perhaps I is a bit scruffy, a bit o a bumpkin and maybe I fishes a wee bit to much but that's all:rolleyes:.

Dickie Davies ain't he the grey haired guy that used to present Grandstand or something?
Christ you do know how to shatter a mans faith:eek:.
but yow'll 'av ta ask me ma on that un....:D:D:D

"Cherwell was the place to be", that myth suits me fine cos I hate sharing me river bank wiv any uvvas, so I'll leave that myth as it is;).
Jason, next you'll be saying things like its devoid of barbel:eek:.

Huh, I'm going back to me carp forum they ain't so rude.:p:D:D:D
True - the best barbel fishermen in the world :)rolleyes:) did blank on mass.

The best looking barbel fishermen in the world (me & Mick) caught though. :p
Well it could be the place to clarify that the appendages on the front are NOT barbules:)