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Maggots after dark

Just wondering if maggots work after dark. Or if they are better in daylight?

I had to pay mine double time for the night shift, but they worked really hard, so worth it :p

Sorry John, couldn't resist it. Maggots work anytime, day or night, it makes no odds to the fish.

Cheers, Dave.
Maggots are superb in the dark, especially after steady feeding leading up to dark. I caught my first ever double, a 10.12 from the Cherwell, in the dark on maggots.
I've fished maggots after dark once this season, lost a good fish just after midnight then got a second chance just after 02:00 AM, which resulted in a 11.13lb Barbel, so yes it does work, as it has for me previously.

Minnows and small fish can be a pain up until it goes dark, also as alluded to above, steady feeding with a dropper rod before hand helps. No need for fancy end rigs either i.e maggot clips, just shove as many maggots as you can get on a 12's or 10's hook.