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lyme disease

Mark Anderson

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi men,

Watched a report on someone catching Lyme's , through a tic bite . Frightening how it disabiliates people , and anglers through the summer are quite susceptible to the possibility of being bitten . Something to think about if your health goes downhill for any reason , pointing out Lyme's to a doctor to be on the safe side .

You need to look out for the bulls eye on your skin, if you find a tick, its a sure sign of lymes . I did read that something as simple as putting your socks over your trousers in areas that have deer populations can stop ticks from getting to your skin.


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It’s particularly rife in certain areas as well including the New Forest which is pretty close to me and a few others on here. I got bitten the other night, my fault for not tucking my shirt in. There’s a lot of them about at the moment.
Good post Mark. I know a carp angler who has it through a tick bite whilst fishing and it has seriously affected his life and no cure I believe?
Especially now we have some nice weather and will expose more skin.