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Korum rod tip snapping

Robert Davies

Senior Member & Supporter
Hi lads
Recently fished the wye last week with my mate,he was fishing with a brand new korum barbel rod 2lb tc,after having a smallish barbel on the first cast he was retrieving in his second cast to rebait and the tip snapped 2 eyes down anyone had this problem? He took it back and got a refund told him to stay away from them lol
All rods can snap, even new ones, and for a whole host of reasons. It's how the dealer and manufacturer sort out the problem that matters.
My step dad has a pair of the 2lb Korums and for the money they are brilliant he’s had 3 doubles on them this season already. I think your mate must of just got a bag one. Can happen with any rod of any price range. It’s the support after that really matters