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John Baker book


Peter Hamilton

Book for sale
Modern barbel baits and tactics by John Baker
Offers by PM please.
Would have been interested, buy i hate these guessing games, why can,t people just say how much they want. :rolleyes:
A lot of the time its because people aren't sure of the value themselves......


And yet people get upset or insulted when your offer is less than what they expect!!

Most if not all people have an idea of what they want or would like for an item, for me i'll put it up at that price and gauge the response..if none then i'll lower it. If I have no idea or don't care of the worth i'll research on eBay or may just well throw in on the Bay and be done with it.

Just my tuppence worth.

And yet people get upset or insulted when your offer is less than what they expect!!


And conversely, Adrian, delighted when you offer them more.

Derek, they do have the prices in the front or on the back, of course. A few I own have £25.00 written inside them. However, recently on ebay one of them fetched over £90.00. Angling book do have a tendency to rise in price, sometimes astonomically. This one here — http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Waiting-Waddl...tingGoods_FishingAcces_RL&hash=item3363fea337 — probably has less than £25.00 written on it's cover and yet it's price BIN £359.00! Plus postage, if you please!. However I do think this seller is peeing in the wind and is unlikely to get the price he's after. Waiting For Waddle by Phil Thompson does get north of £180.00 from time to time though.

If I was to use these sections of a site to sell a product then I think it's fair to find out what it averages on ebay — easy to do, just go into completed listings and see what the last several items have sold at — then pitch it to the lower end of that average. No ebay fees etc.

Or another way, as a buyer do the same and make the offer. Fair's fair.
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I asked for offers by PM , I received one reply book sold job done.