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Help needed rod guide.

Jon Frisby

Senior Member & Supporter
I have a vintage Mal Storey, severn trent feeder rod and one of the top section eyes is missing, maybe from over 30 years ago. I'd like to resurrect it into a bit of tench fishing, this coming spring summer covid allowing. Has anyone got one of these rings that I could purchase etc. I think its a Seymo and thats all I know.

Thanks for looking

Jon 20210108_192323.jpg20210108_192357.jpg20210108_191818.jpg
Would these be close enough?
Thank you Julian, these could do, I think these are the modern version of the ring I'm after. I originally bought the rod in 1985.....
Guidesnblanks have been helpful for me in the past, telling me to send them the rings I needed to replace and they’ve matched them for me. Slightly newer rings though!
I wish they’d just call themselves Hopkins and Holloway for the retail business though, Guidesnblanks sounds so American 😂
Cheers lads, hopefully I'll find an original. Gonna have loads of time to fit it too...