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Grubber pellets

Paul Bromilow

Senior Member
Just wondered if any of you chaps would know how long these pellets would keep.
I have had them for over 12 months and not managed to use them all up.
They have been kept in a shed which has no glass so is relatively cool even in summer.
Hi Paul,

If they've been kept in an air tight container, I think they'll be fine for next season. I certainly wouldn't have a problem using them.

Cheers, Andy F
Paul, they will be useless by now mate, send them to me and i will dispose of them in a safe manner.;)
I'm pretty sure i remember Nige in Bankside telling me you really need to use them within 6 months ish,after a while the oil in pellet can go funny,not good in terms of attraction or fish health.Apparently that's why you should beware "too good to be true" special offers on bulk pellet,the feed company know it's past it's best before date and want it out of their warehouse......I'll ask 'em for you later and let you know Paul.:)
Hi Paul, Sory for the late reply. As regard for the Grubber Pellets, we buy in small 1 tonne quantities every month so they are as fresh as we can possibly get them. They generally have a 6 month expiry date. This is pointed directly to the vitamin and mineral content. If the pellet manufacturers have not sold within the expiry date then they breakdown the stock and 're' add and 're'pellet back into its form again, or offer it at a discounted price. I personally try to use as fresh as bait as possible and with my experience of pellet, i can definately tell the difference between fresh and old. Of course the pellet you have will still be effective and as long as they have been in a sealed container. Just be aware that many bulk pellet deals or cheap pellet deals often mean that they have been lying around in a warehouse 1 possibly 2 years. At the end of the day i use this pellet like you do, so you can be assured that your getting a clean and fresh batch of pellet every time.