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Frozen Hemp

I find if frozen from fresh and treated as fresh it'll last as long as any other hemp. Be sure to defrost before using it.. I know it sounds daft but I have seen more than one angler through it in the river thinking it'll sink on the spot they want bait up but it floats..
I have also seen anglers throw in blocks of hemp only for them to float :D
Vacuum pack it?
I have also seen anglers throw in blocks of hemp only for them to float :D

That was a thing many years ago before boillie and pellet mania. I know one guy who used the create what he called a Barbel block. It was basically hemp and corn, frozen in a container with a large stone in the middle. On arrival the frozen block was placed in the swim.

Never saw it in action, but he was a successful angler.
Vacuum pack it?
Yep exactly.

I make it up and put 2kg into vac packs
Put plenty of water in with it to prevent it drying out.

Defrost by putting the bags into the fridge
You’ll get a good few weeks out of it in the sealed vac pack in the fridge.

If there’s air in the bag and it’s not kept cool, prepped fresh hemp doesn’t stay good for very long at all once defrosted
Just started using today some hemp and maize mix that was vacuum packed back in September, kept in the garage - fresh as a daisy!
how long will frozen cooked hemp last once defrosted?
Good question I don't know. So do a test and find out. I regularly, freeze, and defrost hemp to fish with and refreeze the unused bait. It might be defrosted for half a day, but that's OK. It's never gone off. I am a perpetual cycle of using the oldest hemp before using newly prepared batches.
Re comments on Hinders Hemp, I know someone who received a batch earlier this week. His comment was that much of it isn’t splitting and he’s not a happy bunny considering how much he paid for it!
Re comments on Hinders Hemp, I know someone who received a batch earlier this week. His comment was that much of it isn’t splitting and he’s not a happy bunny considering how much he paid for it!
I would add that probably the fish don't care. As long as its cooked and smells like hemp, it will still attract.
My problem is that I love to use it directly on the hook.
Why not buy some Tares and mix with the hemp
I do fish tares also, but like the option of putting hemp on the hook. I wouldn't mix the two together anyway, as the tares would fly out further than the hemp. lol
I've caught various fish, including barbel, on a single grain of hemp on a 14/16, or 3 on a 10.
I do fish tares also, but like the option of putting hemp on the hook. I wouldn't mix the two together anyway, as the tares would fly out further than the hemp. lol
I've caught various fish, including barbel, on a single grain of hemp on a 14/16, or 3 on a 10.
Any joy catching barbel on Tares?
What's your river?
I experienced that you could catch on warm, sunny days with this method, when all else fails
You need a heavyish float, fishing bulk shot style.
Size 14 for tares. I used Drennan Super Spades. They never failed me.
The Wharfe. Only problem might be, when fishing Tares, is getting through the Dace and small Chub.