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Julian Griffiths

Senior Member & Supporter
Evening all, hope your all well!👍

Would like to use fluorocarbon hook lengths. Either throughout the rig or Combi.

So was wondering if Gammer is still a top rated fluorocarbon material to use, (if I can find it) or failing that what do you guys use.

Does any fly-fishing fluorocarbons come recommended?

Cheers all😊
Unfortunately, you don't get owt for nowt. With fluorocarbon there's always a massive 'trade-off' between diameter and suppleness on the one hand ... and abrasion resistance on the other. At a given diameter, the stiffer the line the more abrasion resistant it tends to be. And at a given suppleness, the thinner the diameter the less abrasion resistant it is likely to be. So if abrasion resistance is your number one priority then, unfortunately you'll need to go for a thick, stiff, line. Basically, it's always a compromise.
E.g.. the best fluoro I've used for float fishing is Riverge Grand Max Soft Plus, it's very supple with low diameter. It's also just about the worst line you can use for trundling meat (the inch or two above the bait/hook takes a real beating, bounding over the river bed).
N.b.. I reckon a few different brands of fluoro are made by the same (often Japanese) companies, and just labelled/branded differently.