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Floats for trotting for grayling?

Steven Knox

Senior Member & Supporter
I'm looking for some suggestions for floats to use when trotting for grayling?

I've been using drennan loafers and more recently titanium trotters. I find these ok, but they get hard to see when trotting a decent distance, especially in faster flowing water.
Ideally I'm looking for floats that take a similar weight of shot to what I use now (3g to 5g)
If you’re long trotting then Dave Harrell number 3 bolos are good. Rich Isaac’s floats would do the trick too.
Andrew Burt on here sells floats that may well suit your requirements. They are certainly visible at distance and also feature interchangeable tips to suit different conditions.

Andrew Burts floats are excellent. I've just received Mark Tunleys in line trotting floats. I'll try the smaller size for grayling.
Dave Harrell No3 Bolo in 4g are one of my go to floats especially in faster, shallower or broken water.

In deeper and smoother flowing glides, I'm likely to choose a float with a less bulbous body. Andrew Burt's 4.5g model and various 3 and 4g Dave Harrell Bolo floats (No1, No2 and No6) find their way into my kit.

More recently, I've given the 4g No3 Hybrid Bolo and the 14x4 No3 Hybrid Sticks a good go. They can be excellent in more sedate water and wind conditions.

Finally, I've tried the Drennan Titanium Trotters in the last month or so. I've found them to be surprisingly sensitive. However, this means that they aren't a float for tripping bottom with. I've also found that the tips aren't as visible as narrower but longer sight tips of any Bolo float when fished at decent ranges. However, I've only used the two smaller sizes so far.

One thing I'm not shy of doing is cutting down the stems of these floats. I do so because I'll sometimes fish water that's 12-18" deep. Water of 5' or so is fairly unusual in my grayling fishing (unless there's a flood). I'm using Bolo floats for something that bears minimal similarities to genuine Bolo fishing. The fish don't seem to care though.

As others have suggested, Richard Isaac's latest floats might be worth a go. I certainly thought so and put my order in tonight.
I'm looking for some suggestions for floats to use when trotting for grayling?

I've been using drennan loafers and more recently titanium trotters. I find these ok, but they get hard to see when trotting a decent distance, especially in faster flowing water.
Ideally I'm looking for floats that take a similar weight of shot to what I use now (3g to 5g)
Don’t be cautious of going bigger.
If the conditions dictate and your equipment is up for it then I would have no issues whatsoever in bossing the water with a big float and heavy setting load to keep a bait pinned down in the area of the water column I’m fishing.

A lot of people believe that if they are using a small bait, small hook or fine presentation, then the float size must be scaled down to accommodate and that’s really not the case at all.

Grayling as we know are fond of fast shallow water and this can often be choppy on the surface which will kick the pants out of a float on the smaller lighter side.

Harrel no3, Andrew Burt, lieneffe bolo’s, are some of my favorites and I wouldn’t hesitate to go 6g plus and take advantage of it’s weight and stability.