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Environment Agency Action

Damian Kimmins

Senior Member
As I have said on here a few times before, I work largely in the water treatment industry.
I just wanted to say as public opinion on the matter of how poorly water treament companies have been serving the bill payer and caring for the environment about which we care a great deal is very strong at the moment, that I am seeing some positive action on the ground.
Remote, solar powered cameras are being installed at the behest of the EA directly above storm tank inlets to assess the necessity to discharge directly to a watercourse - that is to say that if footage shows that a water treatment company is not discharging to storm during a period of them having discharged directly to a watercourse they will be in hot water!
Exposing the data publicly is key.

If we had sewage output info in the same dynamic way we that have water levels, lobbying becomes easier and substantiated.

Better still, link senior management bonuses to volumes of discharge and reduce based on that.
Exposing the data publicly is key.

If we had sewage output info in the same dynamic way we that have water levels, lobbying becomes easier and substantiated.

Better still, link senior management bonuses to volumes of discharge and reduce based on that.
And to shareholders dividends
Exposing the data publicly is key.

If we had sewage output info in the same dynamic way we that have water levels, lobbying becomes easier and substantiated.

Better still, link senior management bonuses to volumes of discharge and reduce based on that.
I believe this is requestable
Thames Water
Welsh Water
Yorkshire Water
Northumberland Water
Angling Water
Wessex Water
United Utilities
Until such time, that it's completely illegal for a water company, to discharge raw sewage into any water course, then it will just carry on. I have no confidence in the EA or the water companies. Most are now aware, of the conflict of interest, regarding EA pension fund investment in water companies.
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