Enterprise Niteglow Corn - Neon Blue
When I first saw this product I had a bit of a head scratch - whatever next? Then my mind went back to my earlier days when I used to spend many a winters night surfcasting on Chesil Beach in pursuit of cod and whiting. On one particular cold night when there was little surf and the sea was clear, my fishing buddy decided that he'd try attaching a rather expensive isotope to his end tackle in an attempt to bring the odd extra bite. After he had caught a couple of codling and whiting I began to think, but the thought process was cut short by his next attempt at punching out a six ounce lead towards the horizon - his multiplier reel gave those dreaded couple of zips and burps and 'Comrade Krakov' came to visit. My thinking process was displaced by mirthful laughter (good natured of course!) at both his expensive loss and possible newly found edge. This incident paled with the passing years but was recently brought back when I heard of this product.
Sorry for this walk down memory lane but the incident may have a relevance - now back to the review item.
Enterprise Tackle have brought out glowing versions of their excellent buoyant sweetcorn and is available in both blue and green versions. The product is a good representation of off-white coloured sweetcorn and is primarily intended as a visual attractor for use in low light conditions. The manufacturer claims that it will glow for up to 8 hours when fully charged. Charging is by torch or by the Enterprise UV torch kit - the latter claimed to give a far quicker charge of the corn. Pictures of the corn in light and dark conditions are shown below.

Now You See Me and Now You See Me Again - In Light and Dark
In Use
Hooking behaviour is similar to the non niteglow versions of sweetcorn. I have not tried this product in a real fishing situation as yet and am unlikely to for a few months - bearing in mind that the end of the season is only a matter of days away.
Probably a good addition to your clear water, low light fishing armoury and interesting product. Only time will tell - I shall certainly be giving it a go and will update this review accordingly.
Around £3 for eight pieces. Available in blue and green glow versions.
Enterprise UV Torch kit (torch, 4 pieces each of blue and green corn) around £10.
Bob Gill
March 2004