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Drennan Puddle Chucker Carp feeder as a chub rod?

Ian Murfin

Senior Member
I'm in the market for a second hand 11ft feeder rod for small / medium river chub fishing. My first thought was a drennan series 7 1.25lb avon twin tip but they dont seem to come up very often. I don't really need the avon top as I have a harrison avon that does that job. So that got me thinking.
I was wondering if the either the Drennan puddle chucker carp feeder or the method feeder version are essentially the same rod as the quiver top for the avon. On paper they look similar. 4lb-8lb lines stated for the avon, 4-7lb for the carp feeder and 4-8lb for the method feeder.

Has anyone any experience with these or any knowledge on the subject?

Several people I know use similar rods for specialist roach Stillwater feeder fishing.

If you can cope with 12 ft I could sell you either a Drennan super feeder or a Tricast medium LR (long range - they are joking!) feeder. Both are nice chub rods. Both have multiple quivers.
Get a Drennan Vertex 11ft Carp Feeder Rod, it’s the best Chub quiver rod that I’ve ever owned and I’ve had a few over the years. My local tackle shop was selling them off cheap, as apparently the whole Vertex range is a poor seller, as everyone wants Acolytes.

I was so impressed with it, I flogged my original Drennan 1.25lb Super Specialist Duo!
Several people I know use similar rods for specialist roach Stillwater feeder fishing.

If you can cope with 12 ft I could sell you either a Drennan super feeder or a Tricast medium LR (long range - they are joking!) feeder. Both are nice chub rods. Both have multiple quivers.
Thanks for the offer Tim, but I'm pretty set on an 11ft'er
Get a Drennan Vertex 11ft Carp Feeder Rod, it’s the best Chub quiver rod that I’ve ever owned and I’ve had a few over the years. My local tackle shop was selling them off cheap, as apparently the whole Vertex range is a poor seller, as everyone wants Acolytes.

I was so impressed with it, I flogged my original Drennan 1.25lb Super Specialist Duo!
Good tip, thanks Neil, I'll check one out
Blimey those Vertex rods aren't the prettiest are they!!
That metallic blue fish is not the best, but trust me, the rods fish playing action is awesome. Perfect for those snaggy swims, without being over gunned. I was so impressed with it, I also bought the 11ft medium feeder rod for Perch fishing 👍🏻
I prefer to use the drennan medium feeder for chub fishing if quiver tip is needed. The original one is awesome, you can pick a second hand one for 50-70? Or the later medium feeder combo, which is also a great chub rod.
I'm in the market for a second hand 11ft feeder rod for small / medium river chub fishing. My first thought was a drennan series 7 1.25lb avon twin tip but they dont seem to come up very often. I don't really need the avon top as I have a harrison avon that does that job. So that got me thinking.
I was wondering if the either the Drennan puddle chucker carp feeder or the method feeder version are essentially the same rod as the quiver top for the avon. On paper they look similar. 4lb-8lb lines stated for the avon, 4-7lb for the carp feeder and 4-8lb for the method feeder.

Has anyone any experience with these or any knowledge on the subject?

I'd hold out for the series 7 personally. They do come up on ebay regularly.

Out of all my rods I own, the rod I'd hate to be without, would be my Drennan 13ft to 11ft medium combo Feeder rods. Had my 8lb 6oz Chub on that rod & some large barbel have accidentally been caught on it whilst after chub!
I recently snagged a couple of the heavier versions of that rod too, so I'm well happy with that!

Carp Puddle chuckers... I've seen a chap on YouTube use them for float fishing for Chub and done well on them. So that's worth a consideration.
I bought a 12 acolyte commercial feeder after much research. It has a selection of fine tips designed for shy carp and has the backbone to deal with the inevitable kamikaze dive under the feet of big chub in snaggy waters plus being designed for reasonably light line it is also forgiving.
I'd hold out for the series 7 personally. They do come up on ebay regularly.

Out of all my rods I own, the rod I'd hate to be without, would be my Drennan 13ft to 11ft medium combo Feeder rods. Had my 8lb 6oz Chub on that rod & some large barbel have accidentally been caught on it whilst after chub!
I recently snagged a couple of the heavier versions of that rod too, so I'm well happy with that!

Carp Puddle chuckers... I've seen a chap on YouTube use them for float fishing for Chub and done well on them. So that's worth a consideration.
Like Julian states, the medium feeder combo, along with the DRX river feeder are highly regarded chub rods. I own the 13’10” river feeder and it is superb…very sensitive tips and forgiving top section with plenty of grunt down below.
Like Julian states, the medium feeder combo, along with the DRX river feeder are highly regarded chub rods. I own the 13’10” river feeder and it is superb…very sensitive tips and forgiving top section with plenty of grunt down below.
Wonder what the difference if any are between the drx and those combo medium feeder rods. Probably nothing in them & was just another excuse to release another range maybe?
That's my point really Julian, there seems to be a lot of rods in the range that potentially could be identical just with branding to specifically target the different potential users. All the rods seem to get good reviews so I don't think i can go too far wrong.