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Dog biscuits

I seem to remember that one of the French-based members mentioned using these for both hook and ground baits.

Has anyone had experience of this?
I do know that some of the softer dog treats I give my Jack Russell smell very similar to the baits I use for barbel.
I’ve often thought that the long meaty strips would be ideal cut down and hair rigged.Just never got around to trying them.
They would work I’m sure. Easier to hook than hard biscuits as well.
Frolicks are the dog's danglies. There are two sizes and two flavours. The smaller size last a lot longer on the hook and the red ones seem to be preferred to the brown ones. To put them on a latex band you break a little segment out to make a C shape and thread the band on. For larger fish put two on back to back or on two bands.

If you break them up into thirds or quarters you can use them for roach and crucians. Parisian anglers use 6 large Frolics to catch 2 metre catfish frrom the city stretch of the Seine.

Cheap too. ;)
Frolicks are the dog's danglies. There are two sizes and two flavours. The smaller size last a lot longer on the hook and the red ones seem to be preferred to the brown ones. To put them on a latex band you break a little segment out to make a C shape and thread the band on. For larger fish put two on back to back or on two bands.

If you break them up into thirds or quarters you can use them for roach and crucians. Parisian anglers use 6 large Frolics to catch 2 metre catfish frrom the city stretch of the Seine.

Cheap too. ;)

Is this the one? Seems hard to get hold of now. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005LUOC9Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_QDTYYNK45SWTRYWZ69EF
Seems they have discontinued them in the UK. All the supermarkets are out of stock.

I think the reason they are so good are the taste enhancers that pet food companies use. There might be something similar in the shops.