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Daiwa Infinity Evo 2.25

Gwyn Jeffs

No Longer a Member
So, I'm kinda doing this backwards I admit but I ordered a pair yesterday at an eye-watering price. It's surprising how little information and opinions there are about them online really. I ordered based on the amount of positive views of the old Infinities.

Just wondering if anyone has the evos, not neccesarily in 2.25, would be interested to hear what the 1.75s can handle too. I take the descriptions regarding casting weights with a pinch of salt as my ( awesome ) 1.5 Wychwood Rogues that I've used for years will cast a fully loaded 5oz feeder the width of the Wye, even down at Bigsweir where it gets shallow and wide.

Are the Infins too 'tippy' to use down the edge? That's a big concern of mine tbh. Mainly bought them for Autumn/Winter floodwater Wye fishing and with a view to the lower/tidal Severn in the future.

Any opinions appreciated, I have no idea what to expect. There's not much out there.
Daiwa generally keep the blanks and twerk them and that's what I think they may have done with the evos. However they now have a 2.75 evo?? Which is new??. I have had both the previous infinities. Personally I prefer the 1.75 poss the best off shelf barbel rod available. The 2.25 is great too though not as tippy.
Hope this helps.
Yes they have a 2.75. Personally I thought that was way too much for the Wye/Severn.
But I have yet to fish the Severn in flood.

I considered the 1.75, or a 1.75 and a 2.25, but those Wychwoods are so versatile and have dealt with so much I decided on the middle option on the Infins, on the basis that if a 2.75 is required I should probably be sat on a stillwater and the Wychwoods have handled everything I've put them to so far. Even if they are bent to the spigot on the tripod.

But thank you for your comment, I haven't had an Infin before so no idea apart from their good rep and seeming unavailability on the 'old ' ones ( had to search half a dozen stores to find someone who had 2 Evos in stock ).
Well, for anyone interested, wow.
I can only equate the pleasure of handling these to finding out Jennifer aniston wants your body.

The flat handle thing I thought was a gimmick, but it actually feels kinda nice. The blanks themselves are probably just the same blanks as the old Infinities with cosmetic changes ( no bad thing ), but the quality is immediately apparent.
These things are seriously light and the blank is very pleasing to the eye, and feels like it has a lot of power based on the scientific 'waggle test'. In my case, being a fly fisherman, it's the 'flick test' and seeing how quickly the blank resets...very quickly.
I refrained from jamming the tip against the ceiling to get a bend and see where the beast mode kicks in given the cost of them, but wow, just wow.

And now they get chucked in the fishing corner until we get some water on, my 1.5 Wychwoods being more than adequate right now.

I always said the Wychwoods did everything I wanted, and they do - Summer showing the bones or 9 feet of floodwater in winter - they've caught me a lot of barbel and handled everything. But the Infinities are lighter, recover faster ( not based on TC ) and just ooze class. As they should.

To quote Ferris Bueller..." if you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up ".

Or two even ;-)

One thing I do like is the decals are very muted, you have to be within a few feet to see what it is. That has nothing to do with using them I know, but I prefer it that way.

I can't wait until these things prove their worth when I actually use them, but first impressions are highly positive.

I may actually be sacrilegous and use them on my local lake for a few mudsuckers just to test them.

TL,DR? Sheer awesomeness. On first impression anyway.