I pretty much agree with Chris.
15lb mainline , 20lb FC hooklink, ESP Ronnie Clip, 15lb braid to hook, bait screw
Sounds a dog's breakfast but:-
The last 50mm or so is the weak link so you get your feeder back. As per Chris I tied it doubled but found it too fiddly for me ;-) and too strong!!...I want to be able to just about break this part if I snag (PS. I don't care if they're not all same length..'cos I don't know what the correct length is...but mostly 'cos In not c**p angler

It doesn't tangle (much).
One hooklink lasts ages.
If you turn a hook point over you can put a new one on in seconds.
Boilie screwed on with a bait screw.
If it's not a pitch black night I can put a new hook and attach a boilie in the dark ( and I've not lost a baiting needle this year ...or been stabbed by one!)
It took me 30 mins to tie six hooks and three hooklinks just now.
20lb flouro takes a big pull to tighten up ( grinner) the knot fully against the tiny clip. I slide it down to the base of a stringer needle and pull against that with pliers on the tag-end.
I lost one fish last year when the braided loop fell off the clip...I now lark's-foot the loop to the clip and I feel pretty confident it won't ever come off again ( I have only once had to push the tungsten beady-thing back over the clip once this year).
Ronnie Cips are nearly £1 each