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BFW League Table

Richard Parsons

Senior Member
Just browsing the league table and there are some marvellous fish on the list. However I was wondering (and I'm not usually size-ist :)) what is the biggest barbel caught in the UK so far this season. Is it the Dove fish, or an "unofficial" specimen.

Apologies in advance for what many may consider a banal thread. It's just that I could do with a good story or two now winter's setting in, and would like something to fire the imagination over the cold days/weeks ahead :)
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Biggest Barbel

Interesting post Richard..To the best of my knowledge i think the new Dorset Stour record is the biggest caught this season..19lb+..I might be wrong though..:rolleyes:
Or is it?
Very hard to know because some captures are kept secret to keep the usual Circus followers away..;).But do know 100% that the Stour fish is for real..;)
Good question!

Just noticed the league table contains at least 2 river records not on the river record list in the articles section. The Dove 17lb'er and the 13lb'er from the Yorkshire Ouse! :eek:
Good question!

Just noticed the league table contains at least 2 river records not on the river record list in the articles section. The Dove 17lb'er and the 13lb'er from the Yorkshire Ouse! :eek:

Not ratified that's why - and TBH I have doubts about that Ouse fish!

edit: The Dove fish has been eclipsed by a 17lb 10oz one and previous RR was 17lb 8oz (bigger than the one in the League!)
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Someone in the ATimes today claiming a new Lea record @ 17lb ish. If it goes more than 11lb I'd be surprised.

I heard a rumour of a couple of big kippers from the Great Ouse but I know next to nothing about that river so no idea really.

There have been some nice fish out this season from several rivers - 16lber from the Severn included.
Someone in the ATimes today claiming a new Lea record @ 17lb ish. If it goes more than 11lb I'd be surprised.

I heard a rumour of a couple of big kippers from the Great Ouse but I know next to nothing about that river so no idea really.

There have been some nice fish out this season from several rivers - 16lber from the Severn included.

Chris, I wondered if this would come up, I must say I had similar thoughts when I saw it yesterday, I very much doubt this would be accepted as the weight stated!!
The angling press seem to state that fish are 'river records' on the say-so of the person submitting the picture. There doesn't seem to be any verification on the publication's part, which is a little confusing.

That said, I don't verify fish submitted to the BFW League table, or Gallery (unless the entry is ridiculous)...


Andy F
Another record not claimed is the Wandle Barbel at 13lb 8oz. My friend caught it and as much as I hate to admit it, it's definitely the correct weight. I weighed in fact. However, I heard the same fish was weighed slightly heavier this year by someone else.

Either way that's a great catch for the little old Wandle...
Glad to see the thread's got the juices flowing (for want of a better phrase) and, yes, some lovely fish caught to date. Thanks for the input chaps :)