Probably best bet for a day ticket in Ringwood area would be a CAC water.
Check their website Colin. The Avon is low and clear right now, which means the fish are tucked up and some swims are too shallow in daylight.
Ringwood fishery is ok downstream of the weir for about 400 yards on north bank,..shallows out below that to Kings Stream. A couple of decent swims on the road bank beyond the footbridge. £10 DT ( north bank recommended)
Upper Winkton has more swims right now,...from lower weir heading upstream to above and below top weir,...look at map to make sense of that! DT £10
Sopley has produced and fish spotting is easier now the weed is dying back,..but defo a water where you need to know the swims and are willing to walk a fair distance. Upstream of car park is best at the moment. DT £10
All those venues have produced good fish recently but it ain't easy, warned.
The river needs a bit of water and mild weather.
All the venues have locked carparks btw.