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Artery forceps

Paul Collins

Senior Member
Managed to loose both my pairs of Artery forceps recently, one of those items used every trip, for unhooking fish, de barbing hooks and squeezing on shots and Stotz. My local tackle shop didn't have any, Go outdoors only had curved ones at £5, with no plans to get any others in, so had a look online. The online tackle shops also wanted about £5 plus £4-5 postage, which I thought was a bit steep.
Had a look on E bay and got these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281182599683?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Less than £5 for 2 pairs, Posted, one curved, one straight. Ordered Sunday afternoon, arrived Tuesday morning. Absolutely first class, very well engineered, better quality than any I've bought from tackle shops over the years.
Thoroughly recommended.
I will second that Paul, I have been using these for the past 4/5 seasons without any problems far better quality than most other forceps on the market!
Stick a large barbed hook in your thumb, go to Newark minor injuries department and if you're lucky like me, you'll get two different types of forceps, two types of tweezer and a pair of scissors for free! :)
Artery forceps

Thanks for link Paul, ordered lunchtime yesterday, arrived midday today, feels good quality at bargain price.
Quality !!! Thanks for the heads up Paul :)