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Are all 11ft 2lbs Torrix the same?

Marcus Ruoff

Active Member
Inspired by all the recommendations here that the 11ft 2lbs Torrix are great rods both for barbel and carp I finally succumbed and ordered a pair of HARRISON TORRIX 11FT 2LB SURFACE RODS from Johnson Ross Tackle.

Now I wonder if these rods by Johnson Ross and the rods described in this forum built by a lot of custom rod builders indeed use the same blanks aka is there only 1 kind of 11ft 2lbs Torrrix blank by Harrison available?

I am asking because my rods are really fantastic but seem to be quite sensitive. At least fishing for carp in small waters and at short range.
Already caught a few nice carp on it and couldnt be happier but was just wondering if I have the original thing used by the forum members here :)? Thank you for your opinions!

By the way: this is the second recommendation I have followed from here having first bought some Chimera 3s. Both the Torrix and the Chimera 3s are certainly my go to rods and I couldnt be happier so thanks all for your help and advise!
Firstly I know this blank all too well and yes there is only 1 torrix 11’ 2lb
It is an absolute pearler of a blank but it’s not for everyone……. It doesn’t suit the absolute traditionalist of the world who prefers a full through action.
Torrix’s in general have faster sensitive tips progression through the mid section and stiffer lower but sections as can be seen below demonstrated perfectly her by my son strapped to a big double

They do vary though quite a lot. The 12ft 1.75/2lb versions are even more tippy and the 12ft 2.25 is actually very through actioned. The 11ft 1.75/2lb sits between the two and is my personal favorite of the bunch. For me no finer barbel rod exists but it’s not for everyone and a sensitive tip is a “torrix” thing.
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Could it be the ringing pattern is different between a build for barbel and the surface rod variant? My Torrix 12' 2.25 have 9 eyes plus butt and tip rings . . .disturbingly one is placed just above the spigot!