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An apology to Richard Barnatt

Paul Whiteing

Staff member
Richard (and others)

I'm sorry, I messed up big-time :oops:

I tried to merge your River Wey thread into a new River Report that I'd created, BUT something went wrong and the whole of the River Wey and it's content (hope the fish ok) have been tipped into a hole somewhere, never to be found again.

There is now a new empty River Wey thread where you can post.

Richard (and others)

I'm sorry, I messed up big-time :oops:

I tried to merge your River Wey thread into a new River Report that I'd created, BUT something went wrong and the whole of the River Wey and it's content (hope the fish ok) have been tipped into a hole somewhere, never to be found again.

There is now a new empty River Wey thread where you can post.

Ah, I wonder what happened. I was just after some info on the Wey, specifically the depth in certain sections, as , according to the EA river monitoring web site it states that at Walsham weir it is 18.5 metres deep. Not fished the river for years, joined a club with sections of the Wey, just waiting for a drop of rain.
Ah, I wonder what happened. I was just after some info on the Wey, specifically the depth in certain sections, as , according to the EA river monitoring web site it states that at Walsham weir it is 18.5 metres deep. Not fished the river for years, joined a club with sections of the Wey, just waiting for a drop of rain.

Post in the river report now Richard :)
Perhaps they fell into that very deep section of the Wey. Can't be many rivers in this country where the weirs have over 60 feet of water either side of them!!! Definitely wouldn't want to fall in there!

I was told a long time ago that if people were told that it can take years of training to use a computer properly no one would buy them. I wonder why I did. lol