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Amazing scales !!!

Steve Collett

Active Member
Whilst fishing the Severn yesterday helping a pal catch his first Barbel I noticed a guy with a BFW hoodie on and asked him if he had done any good ?? as he looked the part !!

Yes mate I have had a shedload, I had a 10.12, a 10.14, a 10.9 and one at 9.14 and a half ( remember that weight)

I told him in 16 years living very close to Arley, and fishing it more than anyone, that is by far the best catch ever, and genuinley congratulated him, a truly stunning catch anywhere yet alone the middle.

I was really chuffed for him, and it got me thinking maybe, just maybe the fish have packed on mega weights since last season and my beloved middle will start to shine !!

So I dropped in the next swim down to him !!! thinking there must be some about, and within the first 5 mins I had a bite, a typical chub bite, but my pal was happy, and it was a monster chub, so I asked the guy who had the 3 tens to borrow his scales, I didnt take all my kit, as my pal just wanted to get his rod bent, but i wanted to weigh this un, as I was sure it would nudge 6lb,

He didnt have any scales !!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: a 10.12, 10.14 and a 10.9 and dont forget the 9 14 and a half !!!! but no scales !

I said, how the hell did you weigh your 3 tens then, he didnt he said he just knew :D

So a big congrats on not just your three 10s but your amazing ability to weigh them within the half ounce :rolleyes:

When I look back now it is quite funny really !! poor lad
Brilliant :D

I often meet people with £2.50 scales who always catch doubles too ;)
Yeah I was thinking that David, I would have had a few dubs by now !!

Seriously though, its distorting the facts and figures about this stretch, of which I am genuinely interested, no wonder the amount of doubles from Arley has gone through the roof !!
One double a season off the middle severn you done well but to have that many lol. I could tell you loads of things like that on the middle severn
I think most of us who fish the middle Severn on a regular basis have always doubted these claims of multiple doubles and regular catches numbering teens or twenties of fish, thank goodness one of these Walter Mitty characters has at last been exposed.
Some might think it does no harm to inflate your catches a little but how many visitors to the river have arrived with high ambitions spurred on by these lies and inflated claims and left feeling frustrated and inadequate when faced with there own results.
It's a pity you didn't get his name so we could humiliate the bounder, (you know what I mean), publicly.
So that's yow,on t'other site ,young Collett boy !

They must be the famous Cadd scales ,everyone a kipper.

Best regards,
ps,when are you going to come and take some proper pics with your mate of some proper machinery ?
Reminded me of the Pats a few years ago when a Chap told me about the 14lber he had just caught.

No scales...........but he just knew. He even got it in the local papers.

A few years ago I stopped and chatted to an old guy I used to see on the bank occasionally (a very good matchman in his day I'm told). He gave me a blow by blow account of the scrap he'd had with a 15lb'er the previous week. At the end of the tale he admitted that he'd had no scales, but had seen "millions of fish" and knew the size.

A few minutes later I was into a Barbel first cast. He came down the bank and netted it for me, then, peering into the net proclaimed that I'd caught a good fish "well over 14".
It was 10lb 2oz when I weighed it.

That's why I take most bankside tales with a large pinch of salt!
It's even funnier when you offer to weigh a fish for them. A mate of mine did this and weighed another blokes 2lb roach for him. It weighed a little over a pound and the bloke responded saying "Nah, your scales must be wrong!"
Reminded me of the Pats a few years ago when a Chap told me about the 14lber he had just caught.

No scales...........but he just knew. He even got it in the local papers.

i think i remember that, it was in the maidenhead advertiser in Ian's column.
We had a guy frequent our local stretch for a while. I had a conversation with him and asked what he had ''Ive had a 14lber and a 6lber'' met him 3 day later and guess what he had caught a 14 and a 6 again ! !! Wow what an angler also met a guy who had a 17 from my local as well. Lol bunch of t wats
You should come and drink in the Red Lion. If I had a pound for every porky told about barbel weight in there I could buy the whole damn river.

My 'favourite' is the casual comment delivered by angling's finest when asked how they faired, "Yes, had a few, nothing much over twelve though". Day after day they get fish but only up to twelve even though a summer 'twelve' is the fish of a lifetime for the rest of us mere mortals.
You should come and drink in the Red Lion. If I had a pound for every porky told about barbel weight in there I could buy the whole damn river.

My 'favourite' is the casual comment delivered by angling's finest when asked how they faired, "Yes, had a few, nothing much over twelve though". Day after day they get fish but only up to twelve even though a summer 'twelve' is the fish of a lifetime for the rest of us mere mortals.

So thats where you can catch 100 Wye dubs a season:)
You should come and drink in the Red Lion. If I had a pound for every porky told about barbel weight in there I could buy the whole damn river.

My 'favourite' is the casual comment delivered by angling's finest when asked how they faired, "Yes, had a few, nothing much over twelve though". Day after day they get fish but only up to twelve even though a summer 'twelve' is the fish of a lifetime for the rest of us mere mortals.

That "angling's finest" comment is very diplomatic Dave. I wonder if I can guess who it refers to?
I thought that this thread was wending it's way to the old joke that he could have used the scales on the fishes back??

I'm here all week !!!!
