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1st time with the pin

Jonathan Jones

Senior Member
used my pin for first time last sunday" shows that you can always get better than you thought! you where" :eek:
Half a days fishing and another half days messing about with the pin and the extra line that had spun off pin around my feet and court in bushes!:mad:

But after a few hours I got better and started controlling the float with slowing down pin with thumb"

must say the control of line/float is a lot better eaven for a novice like me!

just found it very strange winding in the opposite way to normal reel" when I had chub on line! and the clutch/drag on reel is super light"
You'll get used to it in no time. I've used pins both ways and off the top is definitely the best way, especially playing bigger fish. Much easier to use the finger as a drag/clutch.
Yes was told its better to control line coming off top of reel" and much better to retrieve by batting the pin this way ?

just tricky playing fish this way"

It is in windy conditions Jonathan, but in normal conditions use it the opposite way. It can be slow to start with but the contact between you and a fish is sublime.
If you are float fishing then off the top is the way to go,you soon get used to it,(i started years ago with the line from the bottom and changed after a wet windy day).Thumbing the spool and batting towards you are easier also the line is in a straight line with the first ring if you go off the top .One thing not mentioned is when you fish off the bottom you can get your thumb badly mashed with the handle wacking it if you play a fast powerful barbel or carp,I had a 13lb plus barbel once that blacked my nail,never again. Stick to either off the top or bottom, what ever suits you,there is no point chopping and changing.
Thanks guys for your advice!

hope I can resist the calls of my front drag reel because you do feel so much more when hooked up to a fish!

Hooking a barbel in fast water must be fun :eek: