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Need some new scales - recommendations?

Conrad Farlow

Senior Member
My Salter ElectroSamson scales died on me at the weekend. I have no idea what has happened to them. I am an electronics engineer so I probably can figure it out, however I have decided no more digital scales for me. So what is a reasonably priced set of good old fashioned mechanical scales? I don't want junk but I don't want to spend hundreds of pounds either.

Incidentally I rang Salter who said that they could not repair them, nor did they have a service manual. Basically they did not want to know. If I can't fix them myself then they are stuffed. You may want to bear that in mind. It's a shame because they were very accurate.

Conrad, the reuben heaton flyweight mk2 scales are pretty good and very light in weight..........
OK lads I'll have a look, incidentally I fixed the ElectroSamson scales in 5 minutes flat. There was a small ribbon cable to the membrane switches and LCD display that had moved with temperature variation. I cleaned it with Isopropanol and plugged it back in and hey presto normal service was restored. I have used a glue gun to anchor the cable so they may be ok but I couldn't really do it on the bank so I am still getting some mechanical scales. Nowt to go wrong!

i,ve had a pair of avon scales for a few years and always found them to be spot on, you can usually pick a decent second hand pair up on ebay for about £20 if your lucky.

Nooooooooooo don't get fox digis, not if you want to weigh accurately.:mad:

On second thoughts....if you can calibrate mine...you can have them for a song.;)
My chub digitals (made by Ruebon Heaton) have just let me down today.

They had been spot on, but the attachment which houses the 9v battery has somehow failed and the battery will now not fit. Beware - i have only had them 9 months, even if they have seen a lot of use ;)

Whilst i try to get them fixed i'll be looking for some mechanical scales as, at least, a back up.

I'm going piking tomorrow and i am wide open to the almost inevitable happening..........
I have some Reuben Heaton 30lb X 1/2 oz, Scales, they are excellent, batteries not needed. I bought these for the one reason what has happened above, it happened to me as well. I have tested them against 4 other sets of digital scales and they have been bang on. Way i see it if you catch yourself a Big fish and you have some digi scales, your first worry,will be hoping they switch on.
I used to have Avons Conrad, they where ok. I had a pair of the Flyweights, found them to weigh 1.8lbs light after sometime................. a real bummer when you catch a good fish and you know it is 'bigger'.

I have the Chub digitals, not very impressed, there is no off switch, never noticed that when i bought them, they are heavy as well.

I will get rid of them before next season starts and buy some Rueben Heaton dials.
Thats the ones i have Conrad, except mine have a white face.
Conrad , there have been threads on this subject before might be worth a trawl round in the archive . I would avoid electronic ones like the plague , yours clapped out and they are supposedly a reliable model !I would reccommend reubon heaton specimen hunter dial scales , a bit bulky but accurate , durable and reliable . similarly the Avons are very good IF you can find some . mine survived being run over by a tractor ! The casing was shrapnel but I gaffa taped them together and they soldiered on for a few years more and remained accurate . I tried the ' new ' reubon Heaton flyweights as something a bit more portable , bought x2 sets brand new they were significantly inaccurate . The dealer said that he had had a lot of problems with them , avoid in my view
Ive always used Avons and find them very reliable, Had my first set for over 20 years but eventually i couldnt see the dial through the screen any more, so i removed it, still worked fine!:)... managed to get a new set from the manufacturer a few years ago and they are very accurate, had them checked last year and they were spot on...

Did buy my son a set of the flyweights, but in all honestly in my opinion they were worse than rubbish, very inaccurate. I wouldnt touch them.

I also have a set of the r/h specimen dial scales(blue face) that weigh up to 60lb , i find them very good as well, although a bit bulky to carry as an every day scale
Bit cheaper here


These ones

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I have a set of R.H. Flyweights, bought last year. I've been happy enough with them, but I tested them against another angler's (well-used) flyweights, and they were a couple of ounces different when weighing a fish around 5lb. I don't know what tolerances you are looking for, but I just thought I'd mention it.