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Wanted: 11ft Pellet Waggler rod

Kevin Steele

Senior Member & Supporter
Anyone got a nice 11ft Pellet Waggler rod they'd like to sell?

It's for estate lake carp, mostly singles 3-8lb and possible roaming for chub. Not specifically interested in silvers.

Looking for something through-actioned, rather than tippy.

Must be willing to post, unless within meeting distance of Broadway, Cotswolds.

Please PM.
Hi Kevin.
Strange suggestion it may seem, but I have the middy reactorlite 10.9 carp waggler. They retailed around 150. They can be picked up mint for around 50. ( mine was new for that) Great value. I use mine for up to mid double carp with a polaris ledger float alongside or as an alternative sometimes to my peregrine avon. Not sure which I enjoy most! . Really is fun.
Thanks Alec. I'm pretty open-minded about what to get. Having never fished this method before, I've no preferences, so I'll add it to the list of 'possibles'.

I had a couple of nice messages from James Robbins at Cadence earlier today. Couldn't have been more helpful, so I'm considering one of his CR10's. If I buy a new rod. That gives away the top end of my budget.
Coincidence I bought a cs 10 reel on this site last year. Lovely thing too and I plan to get the deluxe version on amazon
I might have access to a lightly used Shakespeare Mach 3 version (a superb rod) in the CWP.

If you are interested, let me know and I will check the availability…….

PS it will be cheap.
Hi Kevin
If it is of any interest to you I have a B/N Diawa Matchman 10’ Pellet Waggler rod model number MMM10P-AU rated for 3-8lb line which due to a change of circumstances will never be used.