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Drennan Specialist landing net handle EUREKA moment

Kevin Siddle

Senior Member
I along with many others on this sight am a big fan of this handle when working well and could easily chuck it when its not. I have replaced the failing bush on both of mine despite being very careful to keep it clean and not to over tighten.

I've spent more than enough time pondering a solution, something which seemingly Drennan have not. The male thread is M10 and I decided to cut down the top (inside) end of the bush down, araldite on a suitably sized M10 nut onto the bush on the metal thread to metal thread is better principle. It was difficult to find the nut but once found I then ground off the corners of the square nut so it fitted inside the handle once fitted to the thread.

Unfortunately the araldite struggled to firmly bond the two together and at the first attempt they came apart, hadn't expected that. I was pondering my next move and offering the parts together when I had the EUREKA moment.

Having ground down the top of the nylon busy to allow for the thickness of the nut I had obviously reduced the internal thread length of the nylon bush.This effectively allowed the tapered male thread to insert further into said bush increasing the diameter of the flared section of the bush beyond the width of the external tube. By refitting the internal tube from the top, minus the bush, I then removed the cap from the bottom pushed the internal tube a couple of inches out of the bottom and screwed the now shortened bush onto the male thread. Obviously it now does not travel as far up the male thread before expanding. I screwed it in until it was a tight fit the worked the inner section back into the handle, now a tighter fit and hey presto perfect, it is a little stiffer to open to extend the handle but once quarter turned locks beautifully.I would estimate I removed between one and two millimetres from the top of the bush.

A bit long winded but hope this helps someone out there.
Apologies for the lack of 'Kevin' solidarity, but we had an exhaustive thread on this recently.

The 'short-winded' solution 😉 is not to over-tighten it when new. But if you do, order a new expanding collet from Drennan (FOC) and do no to over-tighten it. But if you do..........

And if you really are that cack-handed, refer to post #1, or buy a different net handle.

I had a problem with mine and ended up putting a piece of stretched insulation tape around the collet. Worked perfectly for months until I trod on it and snapped the top section !
The simple solution from me is buy a Gardner one. Simpler bullet proof plus they do a 4mtr version, i'll never understand why you'd buy a Drennan.
Bought a Gardner after driving over my Drennan. The thread came out the end under minimal pressure. Heavy to use but with a bit of araldite decent enough.
I have drennn, Gardner and tacklebox one. Drennan no doubt is the lightest one, but you need to be careful with it. I once put a weed cutter on it and try to cut the overgrown grass on the bank, and the first section pulled out when I tried to cut a thick area. Tacklebox is heavier but decent for the money. Gardner is bomb proof and is the heaviest, and can only be used at certain length.
This topic comes up all the time, i really don’t know what on earth people do with their poles.

If you back it off a good half a turn before using it the collet will not wear out.

If you clean the pole every now n then you’ll not scar up the collet or pole with grit

If you don’t over tighten the collet the pole won’t stick

If you dry off the chrome plated thread it will not corrode.

It’s not difficult or unnecessary to do a bit of preventative maintenance. My last pole was given away at nearly 12 years old on the original collet and the one I’ve currently got is coming into its 4th year now working absolutely perfect on the original collet.

Regarding drennan vs Gardner. No contest drennan every time!
I can’t find any faults whatsoever with the drennan mechanism and the pole is much lighter, much slimmer and equally as strong
This topic comes up all the time, i really don’t know what on earth people do with their poles.

Well, reading through this thread, they run over them with their cars, cut them to shreds with their strimmers and generally mishandle them to breaking point. Then complain they are not as robust as the one they replaced it with. :D
I too like Kevin ground off 3mm from the top of the collet maybe twelve months ago still working perfect the main problem with this handle is caused by people over tightening them, my mate has the gardner one and is a lot heavier and thicker and in my opinion not as good but hey ho whatever turns you on.