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Fish Flix

Nigel Whittingham

Senior Member & Supporter
Hi, has anyone any experience of this recently?
I’m not interested in the politics surrounding anyone or the venues used during filming, just wanted to know if there is more to see once ‘signed up’?
Looking at it on the website there are only about 6 or 7 short films and a monthly subscription.
Unless there is more available once subscribed, i could watch them in a couple of days at most!?
Been sat at home with the flu & came across it whilst Youtubing fishing vids (some good, most terrible 🤣).
Dont really need another bill (unless its worth it!) and not prepared to pay a monthly subscription if your waiting or hoping for new material to come out every month.
The content is brilliant and better than anything on say YouTube. I subscribed for a couple of months, watched the available content and will do so again later this year.

I really enjoyed the Chub videos and especially The University of Chub, which I watched several times 👍🏻

My advice to anyone, would be take out a single one month subscription, watch the available content and then cancel the subscription. As an angler best £8 you’ll spend this year 👍🏻
I think there’s more content than it first appears.

On the main video page it shows 7 videos & titles (Catching the passion, totally immersed etc) but if you click on one of these titles (eg Catching the passion) it shows 14 videos (A worm at one end, barbel banx, discarded, etc). I assume then each of the 7 titles are sections under which there are a bunch of videos.
Yes thanks Daniel, just subscribed for a month and realised that you can scroll left/right to access a lot more!
Loads more than was first apparent so seems well worth it for about the price of a bag of groundbait for hours of entertainment
The content is brilliant and better than anything on say YouTube. I subscribed for a couple of months, watched the available content and will do so again later this year.

I really enjoyed the Chub videos and especially The University of Chub, which I watched several times 👍🏻

My advice to anyone, would be take out a single one month subscription, watch the available content and then cancel the subscription. As an angler best £8 you’ll spend this year 👍🏻
I subscribed for a month early this year for the university of chub, and watched the rest in about two weeks time, think I will do again next year.
I decided to take a punt on this to watch whilst recovering fro surgery …there is a great selection on there well worth a short term sum imo, and good quality
Years ago I used to buy every angling mag going and never read most of the repetitive crap….was just worried I’d miss out on some vital bit of info (how naive with hindsight) …..this is a bargain in comparison
I decided to take a punt on this to watch whilst recovering fro surgery …there is a great selection on there well worth a short term sum imo, and good quality
Years ago I used to buy every angling mag going and never read most of the repetitive crap….was just worried I’d miss out on some vital bit of info (how naive with hindsight) …..this is a bargain in comparison
I was the same, buying & absorbing every bit of information i could. Coarse fishing handbook & big fish world were 2 good ones imho and books by Tony Miles, Jim Gibbinson etc. Nowadays, if i do buy a magazine, i find the adverts more interesting
Only mags I buy now is catch cult and Fallons occasionally
Tbh I rarely watch fishing vids as I find the mind numbing tedious tripe (exception of Mortimer and whitehouse but that’s not a fishing programme really) but have been pleasantly surprised with fishflux
Hi, I have a problem with Fishflix, I joined on Sunday, it worked at first but now doesn't recognise my log in details and the re-set links don't work, no response to the linked email address either - anyone else had any issues?
Mine has been fine. Bit unusual that you have to log in via a link every time. I did find that after the 3rd log in the link wouldnt work due to not closing down the previous times (i didnt realise that they were still ‘open’ if that makes sense?)
Once i’d closed down the previous pages, all was good. Might be something similar?
Have you tried the sign in with email option (rather than sign in with password). If your account is active that should email you a link to sign in.
I’ve just subscribed to this again and catching up on the latest content. The film, A Worm On One End….. is incredible when he hooks that Barbel at the end. Happens to me on a regular basis, when quiver tipping worms for Perch on the Severn. I lived through every moment of it 🫣🫣🫣

In fact, I’ll have to insist that the wife watches it later, just so she can ask daft questions 😁
I was on the fence at first but the quality of the story telling, the filming and editing is first class.

Loved the Above Bedford film, funny to hear of barbel of those sizes being taken on 1.25 rods and 8lb line, I remember IYCF having a article with Len Arbery going after Barbel with the Drennan Bomb and Medium feeder rods with similar strength line. Like Martin says in the video, things changed, whether it's for the better, th Barbel in my local W.Avon are no bigger really but now it's 1.75 and 2lb rods with 12-15lb line.

All the videos on there are great
“The Brook” is in the same vein as Above Bedford but looking back at the perch in Claydon Brook. The size and number of those perch was just incredible.
It was that film and the Adams mill/kickles one that got me subscribing, brought back lots of fond memories whilst I can’t get out myself recovering from a hernia op ….have been impressed with the quality of the content so far, for the cost of a beer or two it’s worth it IMO
The Perch one was equally good. I was surprised how small some of these venues were that very big fish came out from.
Adams mill is very narrow in places, especially the backwater….a good running jump and you’d clear it! To think it was once home to multiple giant barbel that would eclipse many of the Trent biggies is astonishing