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What are your top ten angling books?

Picked that up for £5 at a second hand book shop.
Got mine second hand about £10-15 at the time the value was about £100 I found out after I bought it even offered the chap it back after I read it he said no it was fine
Got mine second hand about £10-15 at the time the value was about £100 I found out after I bought it even offered the chap it back after I read it he said no it was fine
I hadn't heard of the book before I saw it. It turned out to be quite a collectable.
My favourite fishing book is Blood Knots by Luke Jennings.

Its not strictly a fishing book at all but fishing features high in this autobiographical book from fly fishing in rivers in the Yorkshire Dales to piking after dark in the Regents Canal behind Kings Cross- anybody who knew that area up to the early 90's will appreciate just how dodgy that area could be after dark ( and even durng the day). I fished it between Camden Town and Islington in the earl y90's but I deffo would not have fished into dark.

Luke Jenning is an established author and wrote the books that Killing Eve was based on and this book is so well written that I have read it 4 times and will probably keep reading it for the rest of my life.

Strongly recommended.
Agreed. This book really is superb.
Hi Guys,
I have many books by so many anglers, and quite a few are signed, but I suppose it has to be any book by Chris Yates, they are easy to read and no technical rig advice which I find at times complicated and boring, with the writing by Chris i find that I am almost on the banks with him.
Keep fishing as simple as you can, that's why I Chris has to be my number one choice.
Good luck all roll on the 16th.
Nearly all my top 10 would be carp books I think

For non carp Tony Miles and Terry Lampard have written some very good books.

Multi species books with a chapter on each fish don't seem to read as well for me.

Here's another question though....

Who would you like to see a book from:

Jason Hayward and Steve Allcott for carp.

Not sure about barbel???
Nearly all my top 10 would be carp books I think

For non carp Tony Miles and Terry Lampard have written some very good books.

Multi species books with a chapter on each fish don't seem to read as well for me.

Here's another question though....

Who would you like to see a book from:

Jason Hayward and Steve Allcott for carp.

Not sure about barbel???

I'd like to read a Jason Hayward book.

I've got Carpers Path by Dave Little coming tomorrow and am looking forward to that. I've also just blagged a borrow of the first Mike Wilmott book which I've noticed a few people have listed.