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Search results

  1. Lewis Baldwin

    Wanted Nash ultralite chair

    I've just retired my Nash ultra light after 13 years of use! Replaced with a trakker levelite transformer. Has clips to hold the chair together in transit, solid attachments for an over the shoulder carry strap, is a little over 4kg in weight, front adjustable mudfeet and is COMFY! Almost too...
  2. Lewis Baldwin

    Tench 2024

    Morning Gents, First session of the year weekend just gone. Arrived just after first light to see only 2 anglers on so plenty of swim choice. Had a walk around and settled on a swim with the idea to bait very lightly and fish method feeders. The venue is only 3 acres and averages 4-5 feet deep...
  3. Lewis Baldwin

    Flipping Mouse

    My pleasure mate, hope it gets plenty of use. Thanks Lewis
  4. Lewis Baldwin

    Flipping Mouse

    Mice....🤬🤬🤬 3 years ago a couple of mice had set up home in the garage. I soon discovered chewed bait bags etc and a drawer full of chewed material they were using as bedding. Put some traps down and caught them..... Or so I thought...... Spring and summer came, no issues Winter arrived and...
  5. Lewis Baldwin

    Flipping Mouse

    Ian, Is this the triangular one that's camo coloured mesh? If so there's a chance I have one on the garage thats not seen the light if day for 14 years. If it is you can have it mate if it's still there. Thanks Lewis
  6. Lewis Baldwin

    Photos of river scenes

    A few from the middle Trent from the last couple of days, shes carrying about of extra water 😬🙈
  7. Lewis Baldwin

    oohh at last its hit the fan !!!!!!!!!!

    Pretty damning this from one of the ESP/Drennan Media team. On an open forum on FB and it's been shared multiple times so I figure no harm in posting it here. I was very much on the benefit of the doubt/no one would be so stupid side of the fence however seems there's no smoke without fire...
  8. Lewis Baldwin

    Gardner rucksack

    Great bit of kit. Not too big, sits nicely on your back, main compartment is solid so it doesn't collapse in on itself when you take things out. The pockets have drainage holes in, in the event they get wet inside. Top compartment is insulated so perfect bait or food (will hold around 5kg of...
  9. Lewis Baldwin

    Whatever next 😳😳

    Didn't mean it like that, should have put it better 👍
  10. Lewis Baldwin

    Whatever next 😳😳

    So they know when keepnet 1 is full so they can deploy keepnet 2 and so on 😳
  11. Lewis Baldwin

    Fishing the swim next to someone

    An absolute circus mate, the stretch is a joke. 20 mins from home and I'd rather sell my gear than fish there. A shame as it's a lovely place and Ive fished it for 16 years (not the last 4 though). Fish chasers and those desperate for YouTube 'fame' have sadly spoiled it.
  12. Lewis Baldwin


    I've had my Gardner one for about 9 years, its a bit rough round the edges now but still going strong. Large pockets, insulated top compartment that fits enough bait for a session (and more) and the main body of the bag is rigid so everything fits nicely and it doesn't collapse when you open...
  13. Lewis Baldwin

    OMC magic twig

    Another unnecessary carp fishing fad 🙈 Amazes me that people are taken in by 'revolutionary' gizmos like this. This doesn't do anything that Nash Triggalink or The Hermit Rig designed by Steve Reynard that's based around shy feeding winter fish don't. Bonkers Thanks Lewis
  14. Lewis Baldwin

    River Trent float rig.

    Fascinating stuff @Richard Isaacs and lots of things to consider and think about when I get out again. This post alone has already shown me more than the time I've spent on the river this season! Thanks again 👍
  15. Lewis Baldwin

    River Trent float rig.

    Brilliant post Rich and thanks for taking the time to put it together. I've started float fishing for barbel this season (all be it I've only been out 3 times and to venues I don't know on the Middle Severn so the learning curve is steep). I've fluked one small barbel and had plenty of chub...
  16. Lewis Baldwin

    Thames Barbel

    With all due respect anything on Facebook, particularly a private group is about as credible as the Sunday Sport reporting someone's affection for vegetables 😬😳😉
  17. Lewis Baldwin

    Jason Hersey RIP

    Very sad, lovely guy. Fished with him a few times in the Teme Severn days. I remember him catching some lovely fish on one of the fish ins. RIP Jason Lewis
  18. Lewis Baldwin

    Rod for the Warwickshire Avon

    Kevin, I use these mate https://www.freespiritfishing.com/shop/item/river_tamer_barbel_tamer/ I have the 1.75's for general barbel fishing which also come with a 3oz carbon tip I also have the 2.25's that come with a 5oz carbon tip but only use these on the Trent tbh. Thanks Lewis
  19. Lewis Baldwin

    Rod for the Warwickshire Avon

    Hi Kevin, I live in the same area as you and have fished the Avon for 20 odd years. Any good quality rod in a 1.75 test will cover almost every situation you're likely to encounter on The Warks Avon. With the budget you have, you can almost take your pick at that TC. I Use Free Spirit...
  20. Lewis Baldwin

    ss2600 spools x 4 all with red dot line clips & carbon washers

    Hi Robert, If you don't sell all 4 in one go I'd happily take 2 off you. Thanks Lewis