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Search results

  1. M

    Cheesepaste Too Stiff

    What's the best way to soften a batch of cheesepaste? Its made with breadcrumb, stilton and mature cheddar. I know there are other recipes or I could just throw it away but id like to salvage it as it smells fantastic. Cheers
  2. M

    Coated Braid

    Hi All I have always used brown 12lb ESP Strip Teaze when I felt the need for a coated braid hook length. However I'm finding it harder and harder to get. Can anyone recommend a good alternative that is of a similar colour and breaking strain?
  3. M

    Base Mix Shelf Life?

    Just found half a bag of CC Moore's Odysey base mix and a bottle of liquid flavour in the back of my cupboard, both well sealed in air tight bags. I think I bought them around 4 years ago! Will they be Ok to use or should I just throw them away? Matt
  4. M

    New Fox Adjusta Level Chair

    Has anyone got one? What do you think? Whats it like to carry? I need a new chair and these look pretty good and not too expensive. Thanks Matt
  5. M

    Sandy Bottoms!

    Just wondering if areas where the river bed is just sand (no gravel, rocks etc) are worth targeting for barbel. There are a few swims like this on my local and I only seem to get chub from them, that says nothing though as I am starting to forget what barbel look like! Matt
  6. M

    Jet Personal Cooking System

    Has anyone used the Jetboil Personal Cooking System? They seem like a handy thing for brewing up on the bank, nice and compact and not too heavy. They will boil a litre of water in 2 mins! Was thinking of getting one for the autumn/winter but at around £70 I would like to know what...
  7. M

    Hooking Casters

    Hi All I was fishing caster and hemp this weekend. I started the session super glueing 2 or 3 casters to the hair but when I went to change the bait, after an hour or so, my super glue wouldn't dry and I couldnt get the casters to stick. Whether this was because it had rained really heavilly...
  8. M

    Swimfeeder vs. PVA

    Hi All For those who use either of these when Barbel fishing I was just wondering what your reasons were for using one rather than the other. Matt
  9. M

    Locating River Roach

    Hi All What areas of the river do roach prefer? After watching "Catching the Impossible" and seeing pictures of large roach in the angling press I think I am getting seduced by the lure of a large redfin! Living in the North East I probably wont get to see anything huge but I would still...
  10. M

    Teme Severn Lamprey Dumbells & Lamprey Spiced Liver Paste

    Hi I was thinking of giving these 2 baits a try after reading some good things about them. I was wondering if anyone had used them and what they thought of them? For hookbaits should I use the Lamprey Dumbells or go for the Boilies? Thanks Matt
  11. M

    Combi Link Question

    Hi All Is it safe to create a combi-link by joining 10lb sensor mainline to 10lb sink-braid using a loop to loop connection? Matt