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Simon Rolph's latest activity

  • Simon Rolph
    Simon Rolph replied to the thread Making your own bait..
    Tried it myself , but always reverted back to old favourites like Sticky Krill as a change bait and saw no real difference in catch...
  • Simon Rolph
    Simon Rolph replied to the thread PVA mesh.
    Castaway Pva are very good. Great for bulk buys and pva zip ties. Recommended seller
  • Simon Rolph
    Simon Rolph replied to the thread If you could only have.......
    Mark Tunley 13’6 Specialist Float - Stunning Rod and a pleasure to use especially for Barbel on the Wye Mark Tunley Dark Carbon...
  • Simon Rolph
    Simon Rolph replied to the thread New centrerpin.
    I’ve been using the RW Rolling pin for trotting and legering for barbel for a few seasons now , they’re so good , so easy to use , well...
  • Simon Rolph
    I had the same on my first one. The carbon rivet snapped. I just drilled it through and put a new small nut and bolt through , thread...